Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It's Everywhere! It's EVERYWHERE!

Well, the deed is done.

The new edition of The Night Chicago Died – A Justice Security Novel is now available for pre-order most places that sell eBooks.

The hardcover edition is also available for pre-order from your favorite bookseller, like Barnes And Noble, Amazon, or even local independent bookstores like Parnassus Books in Nashville:

I want to urge you to support your independent bookstore, or even Barnes And Noble.  Amazon shouldn’t have the whole bookselling pie.

In my author’s note inside The Night Chicago Died, I mention that if you purchased the original version of the book, you already have the story.  The story is the same, but the Chicago characters are new.  I think you’ll like them, and I have stories in the works featuring Lieutenant Michelle “Mickey” Rooney, Sam Tanner, and Manny Salazar.  And, if you like my Justice Security folks, these three characters from Chi-Town are just as quirky and smart-assed!

The most exciting part to me about being able to release this story everywhere is that Justice Security readers across the globe will be able to enjoy the complete series!  While the story was originally exclusive to Amazon’s Kindle Worlds, many folks didn’t have access to it.  But, now, everyone can have the eighth story, and can read about Justice Security’s most violent meeting with Esteban Fernandez yet!

A word about Fernandez:  I enjoy writing the stories in which he faces off with Joey Justice and the crew.  I do.  But he is the hardest, scariest character I’ve ever written.  In order to give a character full credence, and to make the character believable, an author must be able to access that character in his or her mind…the author must become that character for a brief period.  It frightens me that I can do that with Fernandez.  He’s insane, he’s highly intelligent, he’s an extreme serial killer, and he’s ruthless.

I have to go dark when I write about him.  And the darkness inside frightens me to no end.

I do it, however.  I have to.  He’s a worthy opponent to Justice Security, to the point that Justice Security is building a second, hidden headquarters in the middle of Sardis County, so that they have a rabbit hole to disappear into if they have to.  Of course, with that second headquarters being in Sardis County, there’s a whole new set of things to worry about…and you’ll have to pick up that series to find out about it.

So, if you haven’t already, I hope that you pick up your copy of The Night Chicago Died- A Justice Security Novel.  Buy it in print, or buy an eBook…but buy it!  You will thoroughly enjoy the story!

Also, coming in a couple of months:  I’m Your Boogie Man – A Tale Of Sardis County.  Keep your eyes peeled, and…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

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