Monday, June 9, 2014

The Spirit Of Independence

You know, I’m proud to be an independent author.

Being independent means that I write at my own pace, and I write until I feel comfortable with the story.  I can create characters and situations without fear of someone saying, “Nobody will buy that” or “Our market research says that this isn’t acceptable by readers”.

I’ve created a sad private investigator that lost his family and then discovered that he really is loved, a little girl that’s mostly an angel with some kickass powers, a group of best friends that own a security company and have an insane Mexican drug cartel leader as their mortal enemy, a Godzilla-sized creature that can swallow a two-hundred-foot fishing boat, a man that can change personal melodies into a golden experience, a young creature forced to search for food in the city, a rural county in which magic is a normal part of its daily routine, and a blustery old retired British colonel with a room full of curiosities and a life full of stories.

Are these things marketable?  Will people buy them?

Yes…and, yes.

I have my diehard fans, especially of the Justice Security series.  Many people have read and enjoyed “The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald”, in print, in Kindle, and in the audiobook wonderfully performed by Patrick Peterson.  Nicholas Turner, the sad private investigator with the little angel girl, stars in one of my best-selling titles.  If You Could Read My Mind – A Nicholas Turner Novel is now, finally, an audiobook, heart-wrenchingly performed by Meagan Cunningham.

None of this would have been possible if I weren’t an independent author.

There are a few pluses to being a traditional author, I suppose.  Marketing budgets are at the top of the list.  But, on the minus side, are the things I listed above that I enjoy as an independent:  I have no deadlines, my characters are as I choose them to be, and my stories can be what I choose them to be.  It’s all between me and my readers.  No middleman.  If my readers enjoy what I write, they let me know, with reviews and with their wallets.  If they don’t enjoy what I write, they use the same tools to let me know.

A word on the retired British colonel:  His first story, The Lion Sleeps Tonight, has been entered in the very short fiction contest at Glimmer Train Stories.  I won’t be putting that one out until I lose the contest – I’ll be notified that I’ve lost no later than July first.  The Colonel's second story, Heart Of Glass, is currently under construction.

My point is this:  there are many, many independent authors out there, with great ideas that would never get seen if they relied on traditional publishing.  Good authors, and bad authors, are all being heard from, and all deserve your support.

So, when you’re shopping for your next read, pick up something by an independent author.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Most of all,

Keep reading!

Michael (T. M. Bilderback)

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