Friday, June 30, 2017

It's A Celebration!

It’s a celebration!

Here in the US, it’s a celebration on July 4th. Our country began its drive for independence.

July is also a celebration of Nicholas Turner and Justice Security.

The Justice Security novels and If You Could Read My Mind – A Nicholas Turner Novel are all priced at $2.99 until August 4th. That includes the pre-order of Hell’s Bells – A Justice Security Novel. On August 4th, all of those books will go to their regular price of $4.99.

But, that’s not all. Not by a long shot.

Each full week in July, one novel will be priced at 99 cents…with lots of promotional advertisements every week!

The week of July 3rd, If You Could Read My Mind – A Nicholas Turner Novel will be 99 cents.

The week of July 10th, Jackie Blue – A Justice Security Novel will be 99 cents.

The week of July 17th, the 99 cent special will be Jim Dandy – A Justice Security Novel.

And, finally, Cow Patty – A Justice Security Novel will be the 99 cent special.

And there you have it – the first appearance of Nicholas Turner, Madeline’s cameo at the end of Jackie Blue, and the two latest Justice Security novels leading up to Hell’s Bells!

Check my Facebook page all month – I’ll remind you each week which book is on sale. I hope you have a blast!

And I’m counting on you to…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

Follow me on Twitter:  @mrtmbilderback

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Is Full Time A Dream?

I wonder what it’s like to write full time.

I would love to be able to do it. But, I face the same conundrum that many authors face: the need to make enough money to support the writing.

I have twenty-seven titles available at Amazon. I have just put up the eleventh entry into the Justice Security series, and I’m working on the fourth entry in the Sardis County series. I have another Justice Security story started, along with two stories that aren’t really anything yet, but one could be for a new pen name.

And I can’t seem to get them done as quickly as I'd like.

So far this year, I’ve published three short stories and one novel, and I should have at least one more novel ready to go before the end of the year.

The job I love is storytelling. I enjoy every word that I write. I’ve taken out frustrations with my stories, and I’ve gotten my private revenge with many of the characters that have met violent ends. I like coming up with situational jokes, and things that give the reader insight into a character. I like entertaining the reader for thirty minutes, or an hour, or several hours.

It makes me happy.

I wish that I could do it full time. I certainly would have much more output, and you, the reader, might benefit from the new stuff that I would be able to write.

But, not quite yet.

I still have to stumble along, and write a few words here and there each day.

But…maybe…someday...I’ll get the chance.

And I will blow you away with what I come up with.

That’s a promise!


Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

Follow me on Twitter:  @mrtmbilderback

Check me out on Facebook:

And sign up for my newsletter: