Friday, July 29, 2016

Prices And Votes And Circuses...Oh, My!

Wow…July is almost over. Where has the time flown?

For the last several months, I’ve had two stories available as free: Mama Told Me Not To Come – A Justice Security Novel and Don’t Come Around Here No More – A Tale Of Sardis County. Both stories are the first of a series.

It’s time to put them back at regular price.

Mama Told Me Not To Come will go back to $3.99, and Don’t Come Around Here No More will be priced at $2.99.

The prices will increase on August 1st, so if you’d like to snag these two stories for free, now is the time to do it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Christi and I are having laminate flooring installed in our house. We got rid of the carpet that was here when we bought the place, and we are soooo glad to be rid of it. The laminate looks great, and the workers should be done within a day or so.

In other news, Christi, the art teacher, starts back to school on August 1st. Summer is apparently over for teachers…{sigh}.

I’m going to say something about the elections: it doesn’t matter who you support. Honestly. The important thing about this Presidential election is that you VOTE! If you don’t exercise your right to vote, you don’t have the right to complain about what the government is doing. I realize that it seems like a circus right now, but your vote can change a three-ring circus to a small, one-ring circus. Vote…it’s YOUR time to express your wishes as to how our government is run!

And, in the meantime…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hibernation...It's Not Just For Sleeping Anymore...

I saw a post on a writers’ forum today that made me do a double-take.

The writer wanted to come out of hibernation, but didn’t know how to do it. They hadn’t even been writing during this “hibernation”, and couldn’t figure out their motivation.

Oh, boy.

I’m in hibernation right now. But mine isn’t that deep. I’m still writing.

I have some stories that I’ve completed during my hibernation. I have more that are in the works. Two of them will be Amazon-exclusive again, and I apologize. Might as well tell you what they are, too!

One story is another entry into J. A. Konrath’s “Jack Daniels And Associates” world. It’s a sequel to The Night Chicago Died, and features Joe’s Jack Daniels characters and Justice Security. The title is Lido Shuffle, and has Jack and Herb coming to Justice Security’s unnamed Southern city. ‘Nuff said.

The other Amazon-exclusive story that I’m working on takes place in the “Codename: Chandler” world, based on the series co-written by J. A. Konrath and Ann Voss Peterson. The title of this story is Escape, based on the song of the same name…you know, the “If you like pina coladas” song. It takes place after the events of Three. Chandler needs information from Justice Security, and…well, let’s just say that it takes off from there.

I’m also working on I’m Your Boogie Man, the new entry in the Tales Of Sardis County series. Another story in progress is Hell’s Bells, in which Nicholas Turner and his special daughter finally become part of the Justice Security world. There’s also Lightning Jack, of which I won’t tell you much about right now, but it’s the first story in a six-part series. Black Dog is the direct follow-up to Hell’s Bells, and Werewolves Of London follows that.

The point of all this talking is this: hibernation means different things to different authors. To me, it means taking my sweet time publishing, just so that I get the stories done to my liking, and having a backlog ready to publish when I’m ready.

If, as an author, hibernation means that you aren’t even writing during your break, well…you don’t really enjoy it, do you?

If, as an author, your motivation is to make lots of money, well…lightning doesn’t always strike that way.

If, as an author, your motivation is anything except telling stories about characters that you love, well…maybe you shouldn’t be writing.

Ya think?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, most of the hired hands just…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

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