Wow…July is almost over. Where has the time flown?
For the last several months, I’ve had two stories
available as free: Mama Told Me Not To
Come – A Justice Security Novel and Don’t
Come Around Here No More – A Tale Of Sardis County. Both stories are the
first of a series.
It’s time to put them back at regular price.
Mama Told Me
Not To Come will go back to $3.99, and Don’t
Come Around Here No More will be priced at $2.99.
The prices will increase on August 1st,
so if you’d like to snag these two stories for free, now is the time to do it.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Christi and I are
having laminate flooring installed in our house. We got rid of the carpet that was
here when we bought the place, and we are soooo glad to be rid of it. The
laminate looks great, and the workers should be done within a day or so.
In other news, Christi, the art teacher, starts
back to school on August 1st. Summer is apparently over for teachers…{sigh}.
I’m going to say something about the elections: it
doesn’t matter who you support. Honestly. The important thing about this Presidential
election is that you VOTE! If you don’t
exercise your right to vote, you don’t have the right to complain about what
the government is doing. I realize that it seems like a circus right now, but
your vote can change a three-ring circus to a small, one-ring circus. Vote…it’s
YOUR time to express your wishes as
to how our government is run!
And, in the meantime…
Keep reading!
T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)
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