Monday, December 26, 2016

Get 'Em Before They're Gone!

I hope your Christmas/Hanukah/other holiday went well, and that you had peace, goodwill, and pleasure during the period.

Now, New Year’s Day is coming…and I wish us all the best for 2017!

I give you this as a heads-up:  With the new year, I’ll be withdrawing from publication three collection titles. They are:

1           The Best Of Justice Security Volume 1 – A Three-In-One Omnibus
2           The Best Of Justice Security Volume 2 – The Four Short Stories
3         The Justice Security Anthology – The First Seven Stories

These three collections basically contain the same stories in each volume. They offer a discounted price for a collection of stories…but, alas, they don’t sell very well. So, it’s time to pull the plug!

Now, if you’ve been putting off buying any of these collections, now would be the time to get them. Come January 1st, 2017, they’re pulled from publication.

I hate to pull the three titles, but they’re all covered in the still-available The Justice Security Collection, and the Kobo version includes a bonus: If You Could Read My Mind – A Nicholas Turner Novel.

I hope you enjoy the stories, and, again, I wish us all the best in 2017! Mostly, I hope that you…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

Follow me on Twitter:  @mrtmbilderback

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Sunday, December 18, 2016

It's Holiday Time!

Christmas is rapidly approaching.

With all of the bad things that have been happening around the nation and the world, I pray that this season brings peace to all.

In my household, this Christmas Day Sunday will see us hosting my dad, our children, and our grandchildren. We’ll have a good meal, we’ll all open gifts, and we’ll all enjoy being together. We will miss those that are no longer with us. Perhaps we’ll feel a bit melancholy. Perhaps we’ll even that out with a good batch of happiness that comes from all of us being together.

And, as we say goodbye to 2016, we look forward to 2017 with hope, and an eagerness for things to come.

During 2017, I plan to publish many of the stories that I’ve been working on for the last year and a half.

These are the stories that are for sure coming to you in 2017:

The Devil’s In The Details – A Tale Of Sardis County is a short story that takes place in Sardis County. A literary agent agrees to examine and sign off on a contract…but the details are killers!

Eli’s Coming – A Short Story deals with a young couple, and a mysterious killer that steals the life force from the hearts of his victims.

Heart Of Glass – A Short Story is the second story featuring another adventure with Colonel Quentin James Abernathy. This adventure takes place during World War II, and Colonel Abernathy is stationed in North Africa. He meets the love of his life, and finds out what really happened to the Library of Alexandria.

Escape – A Codename: Chandler/Justice Security Novel features a team-up between Justice Security and characters from the Codename: Chandler series.

Hell’s Bells – A Justice Security/Nicholas Turner Novel brings back Nicholas Turner and his daughter, Madeline. When a group kidnaps a school bus full of children, they demand Joey Justice in exchange, so that they can collect the bounty on his head. If Joey doesn’t give himself up, the children will die. It takes Nicholas Turner, an expert in children’s cases, to help solve this one, along with some special assistance from Madeline…and her special powers.

I’m Your Boogie Man – A Tale Of Sardis County brings newcomers to Sardis County, just as Sheriff Billy Napier and Deputy Alan Blake are trying to stop a killer that’s been called the Sardis Slasher.

So, those are the definite releases for 2017. It’s been a long wait for you, faithful fans, but I hope that you think it was worth it. I’ve had a blast getting these stories ready…I hope that you have as much fun reading them!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, or Happy Holidays…I hope your holiday time is special this year.

And, as always, I hope that you…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

Follow me on Twitter:  @mrtmbilderback

Check me out on Facebook:

Sunday, October 2, 2016

It's The Apocalypse! No, Really!

The last post, I talked about social media, and how it usually boils down to posts about things for sale.

Ironically, today’s blog is about…something for sale!

Author David Van Dyke has put together three more box sets…and my novel, Empty Eyes, is in one of them!

Apocalyptic Fears III, IV, and V are out, or are on pre-order. Apocalyptic Fears I and II are also available.

This is a big thing for me. My novel is side-by-side with many other great authors that write about apocalyptic, end-of-the-world happenings. Alien invasions, genetic engineering gone wrong, and almost any other scenario that you can think of, are included in these box sets!

Here’s the availability:
            Apocalyptic Fears I     Available everywhere ebooks are sold                            $2.99
            Apocalyptic Fears II    Amazon Exclusive, available for Kindle Unlimited           $0.99
            Apocalyptic Fears III   Amazon Exclusive, available for Kindle Unlimited           $0.99
            Apocalyptic Fears IV  Amazon Exclusive, available for Kindle Unlimited            $2.99
            Apocalyptic Fears V   Available everywhere soon - pre-order at Amazon          $2.99

The links for each title takes you to Amazon, but check out your favorite retailer for AF1 and AF5. Each box set is over 800 pages of great reading, and I highly recommend that you take advantage of all five!

You won’t be disappointed. You’ll be telling yourself to…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

Visit my website:

Follow me on Twitter:  @mrtmbilderback

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Thoughts On Social Disease...I Mean, Social Media!

One of the things I find most daunting about connecting with you, the reader, is using Twitter.

If I tweet about a book on sale, I feel like I’m giving you a commercial instead of connecting with you.

If I tweet something personal, one hundred forty characters isn’t enough to convey anything worthwhile.

So, I’m reduced to shortening personal tweets to things I’m working on, or a book on sale, or a new translation of one of my stories.

I feel like it’s wasted time.

On my Facebook author page, I post lots of book-related things from others. I post wordy posts about any stories I have that are on sale. I share books from author friends that might be on sale or new. Occasionally, I post a comic book-related item to remind folks that I do collect them.

I don’t post a lot of personal things. Not on my author page, anyway.

How do other authors do it? I will never understand it.

I’m an outgoing introvert. A friend of mine finally figured out that all of my jokes, laughs, etc., are used as a way to keep people at arm’s length. To keep them from knowing the real me.

I do it almost unconsciously now.

It isn’t personal to anyone. I just am very introverted underneath the “hail-fellow-well-met” that is on my surface. Now, don’t get me wrong – I love to make others laugh, both in person and on the printed page, so to speak. And my real personality shows through in my stories in ways I never realized, until a close friend pointed it out. I never realized it.

My best and easiest way for me to let you see what I’m really like is through my stories, and through this blog. I write from the heart, and allow you a few glimpses from time to time of what I’m really like, what I believe in, and what I hold dear.

So, I’ll keep doing this blog from time to time…just to stay in touch. And I’ll keep doing an occasional tweet, and the occasional post on my Facebook author page.

Even though I truly think Twitter and Facebook aren’t the places for getting to know your favorite author…or me, either! {snort, giggle}

I want to hear from you, too. I have a comment section on this blog, or you can like me on Facebook and post something, or you can follow me on Twitter and tweet something to me. I will usually answer.

Unless you’re being snotty about me charging for my work. Then I ignore you! LOL

On another note, I’m working on several projects right now…I hope you’ll be pleased when I finally hit the “publish” button on all of them!

In the meantime, tell me your thoughts on social media. Is it a do, or is it a don’t? Whatever you do, please…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

Visit my website:

Follow me on Twitter:  @mrtmbilderback

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Friday, July 29, 2016

Prices And Votes And Circuses...Oh, My!

Wow…July is almost over. Where has the time flown?

For the last several months, I’ve had two stories available as free: Mama Told Me Not To Come – A Justice Security Novel and Don’t Come Around Here No More – A Tale Of Sardis County. Both stories are the first of a series.

It’s time to put them back at regular price.

Mama Told Me Not To Come will go back to $3.99, and Don’t Come Around Here No More will be priced at $2.99.

The prices will increase on August 1st, so if you’d like to snag these two stories for free, now is the time to do it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Christi and I are having laminate flooring installed in our house. We got rid of the carpet that was here when we bought the place, and we are soooo glad to be rid of it. The laminate looks great, and the workers should be done within a day or so.

In other news, Christi, the art teacher, starts back to school on August 1st. Summer is apparently over for teachers…{sigh}.

I’m going to say something about the elections: it doesn’t matter who you support. Honestly. The important thing about this Presidential election is that you VOTE! If you don’t exercise your right to vote, you don’t have the right to complain about what the government is doing. I realize that it seems like a circus right now, but your vote can change a three-ring circus to a small, one-ring circus. Vote…it’s YOUR time to express your wishes as to how our government is run!

And, in the meantime…

Keep reading!

T. M. Bilderback (But you can call me Michael)

Visit my website:

Follow me on Twitter:  @mrtmbilderback

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